Tasty Meat and Potato Pie

The kids and I saw a video on the Facebook about making what we called Meat and Potato Pie and we decided to give it a try ourselves – with what we had on hand, in the kitchen.

We started out making a Bernaise sauce – basically melting a 1/2 lb of butter and whisking in the powdered mix we bought.

It was delicious even if it was “from a mix”.

Next, we boiled up the bag of potatoes we had on hand. Next time I would choose bigger Russet potatoes – for the texture as well as the size of the rounds we cut them into.

Then the meat. In the video they used ground beef. I had cooked (in our Instant Pot) a pork tenderloin the previous day so I pulled it apart like a “pulled pork” and added panko crumbs to it to make “meatballs”.

Meat is ready to be “meat-balled” and potatoes ready for placement. It is go time.

Place the slices of potatoes flat in your oven proof baking dish

And then add meatballs. With more slices of potato between the meatballs to create little “cups” that you can…

ladle the Bernaise sauce into. I was generous with the sauce – it tastes great!

I then sprinkled on top lotsa-mozza cheese.

Lotsa. And then slid the dish into the oven (pre-heated to 450°) and let it back.

In the video they showed it baking for 20 minutes. Snopes confirmed to me that 20 minutes is not true. I had it in the oven for 40 minutes before the internal temperature hit 170°.

It did hit the temperature though.

And then I served it. And both kids liked it enough to actually eat some of it.

So the bottom line … it wasn’t the prettiest dish. I used a sauce mix. I didn’t use ground beef like they did in their fancy video. But that is what “A Dad in the Burbs” cooking is like. I use what I have on hand. I make it work. I feed my kids.






One response to “Tasty Meat and Potato Pie”

  1. Matt Avatar

    I think this looks awesome. It would be perfect on a cool day.