Robinsmith Family Vacation Kaua’i; Day Three

So much to see, so much to do! We are loving this island. Yesterday we went out west to the Waimea Canyon. Wow.

It is an awful drive up to the viewpoint but it is SO worth it. My Sweetheart said that it is one of the most inspiring places she has ever visited. I completely agree. Breath-taking.

A funny thing about being in Kaua’i is that at 6:30pm it is DARK. Before 6pm it is light outside and then at 6:30pm it is dark. As a result the girls go to bed at 7pm easily. And they sleep until 6:30am. Nice.

Something I found kind of disappointing is the fact that I used our little point and shoot camera for most of the pics on this trip so far. The problem with that is the camera was set at 14 megapixels. That means that each photo file is just over 5 MB and I can only upload files less than 2 MB to my blog. I have changed the setting on the camera to 3 megapixels so any new pics can now be uploaded.

Back to our trip…yesterday morning starting at 6:30am the girls were racing back and forth in our room squealing out the word “Ocean, ocean, ocean!!”

We managed to keep them inside and relatively calm until 8am. Then we went out to the beach. The girls were not impressed that there were waves large enough to surf on. We walked along the beach until we got to the public access beach and found a place called “Baby Beach.”

It is nicely protected part of the beach so that little kids can easily and safely wander around in the water. In fact, there was a couple from New York with a 10 month old baby crawling around in the water smiling and laughing. Our girls loved the water and beach as well.

We did a little foodie tour as well. More on that later. Now the girls are screaming to go the ocean again. For the record, it is 7am here. Ugh.





2 responses to “Robinsmith Family Vacation Kaua’i; Day Three”

  1. Colleen Avatar

    Cant wait to see all the pictures and hear the stories from the beginning to the end!
    Merry Christmas! Hope all of you come home rested.

    1. stacey Avatar

      Are you following my foodie blog to see more pics of our adventure?