Tag: suburban life

  • City Life, Suburban Life

    The one question I get asked the more often than any other is, what is the most obvious difference between living in the suburbs as opposed to living in the city. These two pics sum it up rather nicely: Available in Kits, on the corner of Cornwall and Cypress is Siegel’s Bagels. Montreal-style. Boiled and…

  • 100 Foot Diet Update

    Because the kids are out playing in the tent I set up in the backyard, I have a couple more minutes to share a SECOND blog post with you, yes two in one day!! SO here is a pictorial update on our suburban gardening adventures, or, as I call it, our 100 foot diet.     Yes,…

  • The Assumptions We Make

    It is interesting to think about the assumptions we make in life and how they change as we get older. Yesterday morning I was out for my usual 6:30am walk with the dog when I saw our neighbour pull into her driveway. Her hair was a mess and she looked like she was in a…