You know you are a dedicated blogger when…
You are standing in your doctor’s office, an office you have visited innumerable times through the years, holding a diaper bag and two babies who are taking turns vomiting on your new camel hair blazer and watching the vomit run down your side, into your coat pocket and around onto your wool slacks while the prissy faced 19 year old beeatch behind the counter, someone who you have immediately pegged as someone who failed all her core subjects in junior high and is more concerned with her own cleavage and lipstick is sneering at you that “Your baby is not in our system” and all you are thinking is, jeez this is going to make a great blog post!
2 responses to “You Know You Are a Blogger When…”
I sure hope you made most of this up. Yuck! Ick! Poor babies! (All of you.)
It probably is true … poor babies indeed .. hope you did get them attended to before you sent the blog !!