Baby Food Comparison

The twins have grown to an age when they eat more than just boob milk and baby formula. They eat actual food now. Some rice cereal stuff, what we used to call Pablum when I was a baby. But they also eat from those little jars of baby food. And have you slowed down and read the label on some of these jars, take for example the T-bone steak baby food…just kidding.

Seriously though, the Nativa, Organics butternut squash stuff. One jar has 60 calories, 5 mg of sodium (salt ya kno’), 3 grams of fibre (and we all know that fibre is your friend) and 3 grams of sugars.

Now same company makes sweet potatoes. 120 calories per jar, 70 mg of sodium (that salt stuff again), 2 grams of your friendly fibre, and 6 grams of sugars.

And then compare those to peas (my taste favourite) 80 calories, 120 mg of sodium!! 6 grams of fibre and six of the sugars. Yikes on the sodium.

Is it any wonder I like the taste of peas better than the other two? That sodium is what makes it scrumpdillyicious. Wonder how that if the kidlets need that much sodium? They have not been asking for water after eating…

Here is a picture of Story eating her carrots…not her favourite…

Story not eating her carrots
Story not eating her carrots





2 responses to “Baby Food Comparison”

  1. caitlyn James Avatar

    Great pic on the little fingers getting bigger!

    The amount of sodium, however, is horrifying. Ian ( an incredibly smart guy) has been cutting down on sodium and doing some research. A full grown adult is “allowed” to have 1000mg according to the salt police. However, recent research suggests that even for major athletes and sweaty people that is waaay overkill.

    Even assuming 150+ pounds of human can manage 1000 mg divide by 10 (for instance), and that’s only 100 mg TOTAL for the WHOLE day for a little person.

  2. stacey Avatar

    The mushy peas that I like…I mean the girls like, has 90 mgs. That is per bottle and they only eat a spoonful per feeding, nowhere near a bottle, but why the need for such high sodium levels. Research time!