Tag: fathers

  • The Best Christmas Yet

    Really now, what could I really ask for, desire or be given that could be better than this? What more could I ask for? Born on April 17th, the first day of week 33 of the pregnancy, weighing 3 lbs 4 oz, and 3 lbs 12 ounces, the girls have thrived and grown. Story laughs…

  • Needles, pain associations, H1N1 and mice

    A couple of things this evening. We took the twins into the Fraser Health office where they received their six month shots. These will apparently protect them from diseases like diphtheria, smallpox, tetanus, hepatitis A or B or C or D or whatever it does. They get one massive needle deep into the thigh tissue…

  • H1N1 vaccine reconsidered because…

    If you had twin baby girls at home who are too young to get vaccinated against the H1N1 flu and you worked in a place where some of the people believe it is important for them to come into work even though they have been positively diagnosed with H1N1, would you reconsider getting the vaccine…

  • Holding hands

  • Coffee at the village

    This morning Annalie and I went down to the Village for an early Thanksgiving coffee. It is neat to see so many other fathers out with their little ones. There was one father who came in with a baby even smaller and then my twin dolls. I like this. Yesterday I saw many fathers walking…