Tag: customer service

  • Making Your Customers Brand Ambassadors

    Further to my recent post about the awful customer service we received at our local pet supply store is this very interesting blog post from Social Media Today; What happens during their initial experience—or with any experience along the path toward purchasing your product or service—makes all the difference between a possible brand ambassador, and…

  • Chris Brogan on Customer Service

    Nearly every morning I get an email from blogger extraordinaire, Chris Brogan . Sometimes I learn something and sometimes I just delete the message. This morning I received an email that really made me sit up and pay attention because it was on issues I’m really interested in; customer service and shopping local. Here is the…

  • More of My Why You Never Say No to a Customer

    The following brief email exchange is one of the best examples of the worst examples (yes, a good example of a bad example) of sales skills I have seen in a long time. Email from me, Hello, Does Pearson sell a textbook for a Marketing 11/12 class curriculum?  I will be teaching Marketing 11/12 and…

  • Customer Service Pet Peeve; Don’t Say NO to the Customer

    One of the things that really annoys me is when I walk into a store and ask for something and the first response from the salesperson is, “No, we don’t have that.” Typically if I hear that I say, “Thanks, well then I guess I will have to take my money somewhere else.” The other…

  • Urban Fare Suburban Style – Price Smart Foods

    My dear friend and fellow blogger, Leeanne Ekland was tweeting and Facebooking (is that actually a verb now?) about the new Urban Fare False Creek store that opened in the Olympic Village this week and that got me to thinking about the differences between and urban and a suburban life. You know Urban Fare? The…

  • The flip side of customer service; the server experience

    In response to yesterday’s post on the customer service experience, here is my friend Olly Dolly telling the server side of the story. Imagine that you work in a restaurant. The hours are grueling, the bosses certifiable, the coworkers are diverse (and often crazy), and the customers….oh jeez, the customers. You work a triple shift…

  • In customer service the answer is, “Sure we can help you”

    And, we are back! I have been away working on a couple of social media campaigns so as you have hopefully noticed, I haven’t posted anything here over the last couple of weeks. Now I am back. And I am ready to blog about my favourite topic, customer service. On February 17th another blogger I…

  • My Top Five Customer Service Wins in Kaua’i

    This is my final blog post on our recent trip to the Hawaiian island of Kaua’i. It is a look at some of the businesses that impressed me with the service or food they provide to their customers. First on the list is the valet parking service at the Sheraton in Poi’pu. These guys treated…

  • Customer Service Failure and Successes

    Customer service is a tricky business. You’ve heard the funny store about the rookie store clerk getting trained. The manager says, “Rule number one is, the customer is always right. Rule two, if the customer is wrong, refer to rule number one.” Well I do not necessarily agree with that philosophy but I do understand where…

  • How to Get Out of Telecom Contracts

    Here is the scoop on how to stop your telecom provider from saying, “Oh by the way, you will now be paying this much more.” Read it and act:  https://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=10150406464705398&id=763265547